Our Programs

We believe that such an important issue must be approached through a variety of different ways. Whether it be through internal gatherings, service, fundraising, or awareness events, each has the same purpose: to set people free from their bondage. Freedom is our top priority! 

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Service and outreach

Service to the community is extremely important to us. We value giving our members hands-on opportunities to support the cause locally. Opportunities vary throughout the year so as to give different ways to get involved. 


awareness events

Whether it's one of our Coffee Crawl nights, a movie screening, an Illumination Night or a live simulation, we believe in the power of raising awareness for human trafficking both locally and abroad. Awareness is ultimately the catalyst for activation! 


We host a variety of fundraisers throughout the year. All are designed to mobilize members and the community at large to support various organizations devoted to the rescue and rehabilitation of human trafficking victims. One of our favorite fundraisers we host is our annual benefit concert. 


Prayer is at the root of who we are as an organization. This is because we believe that God's heart is to see His people set free. Partnering with Him in prayer to see this happen is essential to our organization as a whole.